Guide for Authors
Guidelines for preparing a manuscript:
All manuscripts must be submitted online through the website. First time users will have to register at this site. Registered authors can keep track of their articles after logging into the site using their user name and password.
If you experience any problems, please contact the editorial office by e-mail at
Ethics of Research and Publication:
The ethical policy of Journal is based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines and complies with International Committee of Journal Editorial Board codes of conduct. Readers, authors, reviewers and editors should follow these ethical policies once working with Journal. The ethical policy of journal is liable to determine which of the typical research papers or articles submitted to the journal should be published in the concerned issue. The publishing decision is based on the suggestion of the journal's reviewers and editorial board members. The ethical policy insisted the Editor-in-Chief, may confer with other editors or reviewers in making the decision. The reviewers are necessary to evaluate the research papers based on the submitted content in confidential manner. The reviewers also suggest the authors to improve the quality of research paper by their reviewing comments. Authors should ensure that their submitted research work is original and has not been published elsewhere in any language. Applicable copyright laws and conventions should be followed by the authors. Any kind of plagiarism constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. For information on this matter in publishing and ethical guidelines please visit
Authorship Criteria:
To ensure authorship for the submitted manuscripts, the contributors should meet the following three conditions:
- Conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data has been done by the author
- Either drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content has been done by the author
- The final approval of the version to be published has been given by the author. Each contributor should have participated sufficiently in the work to be allowed to take public responsibility for suitable portions of the content.
Study design and ethical approval: Good research should be well justified, well planned, appropriately designed, and ethically approved. To conduct research to a lower standard may constitute misconduct. The authors are responsible for the whole scientific content as well as the accuracy of the bibliographic information.
Data analysis: Data should be appropriately analyzed, but inappropriate analysis does not necessarily amount to misconduct. Fabrication and falsification of data do constitute misconduct.
Conflicts of interest: Conflicts of interest comprise those which may not be fully apparent and which may influence the judgment of author, reviewers, and editors. They have been described as those which, when revealed later, would make a reasonable reader feel misled or deceived. They may be personal, commercial, political, academic or financial. “Financial” interests may include employment, research funding, stock or share ownership, payment for lectures or travel, consultancies and company support for staff.
Peer-review: This journal uses Double-blind peer review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. To facilitate this, authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not give away their identity. Authors have the right to communicate to the editor if they do not wish their manuscript to be reviewed by a particular reviewer because of potential conflicts of interest. No article is rejected unless negative comments are received from at least two reviewers.
Redundant publication: Redundant publication occurs when two or more papers, without full cross reference, share the same hypothesis, data, discussion points, or conclusions. In such cases, the manuscript will be rejected.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism ranges from the unreferenced use of others’ published and unpublished ideas, including research grant applications to submission under “new” authorship of a complete paper, sometimes in a different language. It may occur at any stage of planning, research, writing, or publication: it applies to print and electronic versions. All the manuscript submitted to journal are checked by authenticate for possible plagiarism. The authors are expected to check their manuscript for plagiarism before submission.
If plagiarism is detected during peer review, the submission can be rejected. If plagiarism is detected after publication we reserve the right, as necessary, to issue a correction or retract the article. We reserve the right to notify the institutions of authors about the plagiarism that was found before or after publication.
Corrections and retractions
To maintain the integrity of academic record, Journal may have to publish correction or retraction of paper published in journal. According to agreed academic community norms, corrections or corrections of published articles are made by publishing an Erratum or Retraction article, without altering the original article in any other way than by adding a prominent connection to the Erratum / Retraction article. The original article remains in the public domain and should be commonly indexed to the subsequent Erratum or Retraction. We may have to delete the material from our website and archive sites in the exceptional event the material is considered to infringe those rights or is defamatory.
It may be necessary for the original author(s) to make minor corrections to published articles by making a comment on the published Article. It will only be acceptable if the modifications do not affect the article's results or conclusions.
Changes to published articles that affect the article's meaning and conclusion but do not invalidate the article in its entirety may be corrected, at the discretion of the editor(s), by publishing an Erratum indexed and linked to the original article. Changes in authorship of published articles are corrected through an Erratum.
If the scientific information in an article is significantly compromised on rare occasions it may be appropriate to retract published articles. In these cases Journal must comply with the COPE guidelines. Retracted papers are indexed and the original article is referred to.
The submitted manuscripts that are not as per the “Instructions to Authors” would be returned to the authors for technical correction, before they undergo editorial/peer-review. Generally, the manuscript should be submitted in the form of two separate files:
[1] Title Page/covering letter/Conflict of Interest:
- The type of manuscript (original article, case report, review article, Letter to editor, Images, etc.) title of the manuscript, names of all authors/ contributors (with their highest academic degrees, designation and affiliations) and name(s) of department(s) and/ or institution(s) to which the work should be credited, . All information which can reveal your identity should be here. Use TEX/DOC/DOCX files. Do not zip the files.
- The total number of pages, total number of photographs and word counts separately for abstract and for the text (excluding the references, tables and abstract), word counts for introduction + discussion in case of an original article;
- Source(s) of support in the form of grants, equipment, drugs, or all of these;
- Acknowledgement, if any. One or more statements should specify 1) contributions that need acknowledging but do not justify authorship, such as general support by a departmental chair; 2) acknowledgments of technical help; and 3) acknowledgments of financial and material support, which should specify the nature of the support. This should be included in the title page of the manuscript and not in the main article file.
- If the manuscript was presented as part at a meeting, the organization, place, and exact date on which it was read. A full statement to the editor about all submissions and previous reports that might be regarded as redundant publication of the same or very similar work. Any such work should be referred to specifically, and referenced in the new paper. Copies of such material should be included with the submitted paper, to help the editor decide how to handle the matter.
- Registration number in case of a clinical trial and where it is registered (name of the registry and its URL)
- Conflict of Interest of each author/ contributor. A statement of financial or other relationships that might lead to a conflict of interest, if that information is not included in the manuscript itself or in an authors' form
- Criteria for inclusion in the authors’/ contributors’ list.
- A statement that the manuscript has been read and approved by all the authors, that the requirements for authorship as stated earlier in this document have been met, and that each author believes that the manuscript represents honest work, if that information is not provided in another form (see below); and
- The name, address, email, and telephone number of the corresponding author, who is responsible for communicating with the other authors about revisions and final approval of the proofs, if that information is not included on the manuscript itself.
[2] Blinded Article file: The main text of the article, beginning from Abstract till References (including tables) should be in this file. The file must not contain any mention of the authors' names or initials or the institution at which the study was done or acknowledgements. Page headers/running title can include the title but not the authors' names. Manuscripts not in compliance with the Journal's blinding policy will be returned to the corresponding author. Use rtf/doc files. Do not zip the files. Limit the file size to 1 MB. Do not incorporate images in the file. If file size is large, graphs can be submitted as images separately without incorporating them in the article file to reduce the size of the file. The pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the first page of the blinded article file.
[3] Images: Submit good quality color images. Each image should be less than 2 MB in size. Size of the image can be reduced by decreasing the actual height and width of the images (keep up to 1600 x 1200 pixels or 5-6 inches). Images can be submitted as jpeg files. Do not zip the files. Legends for the figures/images should be included at the end of the article file.
[4] The contributors' / copyright transfer form (template provided below) has to be submitted in original with the signatures of all the contributors within two weeks of submission via email as a scanned image. Print ready hard copies of the images (one set) or digital images should be sent to the journal office at the time of submitting revised manuscript. High resolution images (up to 5 MB each) can be sent by email.
Types of Manuscripts
Original Research Articles: Randomly controlled trials, intervention studies, studies of screening and diagnostic tests, outcome studies, cost effectiveness analyses, case control series, and surveys with a reasonably high response rate. Abstracts should be structured under 5 main headings: 1. Background and aim 2. Materials and Methods 3. Results 4. Conclusions 5. Keywords (250 Words). Body of the article should structured under 7 main headings: 1. Background and aim 2. Materials and methods (a good biomedical statistician's help should be taken while preparing this section) 3. Results 4. Discussion 5. Conclusion 6. Acknowledgements (if any) 7. References (should be in Vancouver Style). Up to 3500 words excluding the abstract and references. Number of Tables and Images combined should be around 5. Number of references should be not more than 40.
Review articles: It is expected that these articles would be written by individuals who have done substantial work on the subject or are considered experts in the field. A short summary of the work done by the contributor(s) in the field of review should accompany the manuscript. The prescribed word count is up to 3000 words excluding tables, references and abstract. The manuscript may have about 90 references. Abstracts should be structured under 5 main headings: 1. Background and aim 2. Materials and Methods 3. Results 4. Conclusions 5. Keywords (250 Words), representing an accurate summary of the article. Body of the article should structured under 7 main headings: 1. Background and aim 2. Materials and methods (a good biomedical statistician's help should be taken while preparing this section) 3. Results 4. Discussion 5. Conclusion 6. Acknowledgements (if any) 7. References (should be in Vancouver Style). The section titles would depend upon the topic reviewed. Authors submitting review article should include a section describing the methods used for locating, selecting, extracting, and synthesizing data. These methods should also be summarized in the abstract. The journal expects the contributors to give post-publication updates on the subject of review. The update should be brief, covering the advances in the field after the publication of the article and should be sent as a letter to editor, as and when major development occurs in the field.
Case Reports: Novel/interesting/extremely rare cases or rare presentations can be reported. Cases with clinical significance or implications will be given priority. Case Reports must be structured under the following 7 headings: 1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3. Case Presentation 4. Discussion 5. Conclusion 6. Acknowledgement (if any) 7. References (should be in Vancouver Style). Up to 2000 words excluding references and abstract. Number of Tables and Images should be around 5. Number of references should be not more than 20.
Images in medicine: Abstract, Introduction, Case Presentation, and References. Should not be more than 1000 words excluding up to ten references.
Letter to the Editor: Should reflect short, decisive observation. Up to 500 words and five references.
Clinicians Corner: Short narrative of a real life experience in the medical sphere during practice. Should contain a clear, informative, educative, or enlightening message. Up to 600 words.
Announcements: of conferences, meetings, courses, awards, and other events of interest to the readers should be submitted with the name and address of the person from whom additional information can be sought. Up to 100 words.
Please select 5-7 keywords
ORCID Number:
It is mandatory to provide ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) number of the corresponding author and all co-authors upon submission of the manuscript to the International Journal of Progressive Business and Public Management . Orcid number of all co-authors should be provide in the Title page of the manuscript. It can be obtained for free on:
One or more authors should take responsibility for the integrity of the work from the inception to the publishing of the article. This author will be designated as the guarantor.
Conflict of Interest
The authors are required to declare all competing financial and non-financial interests regarding the publication during submission of their work. All authors will declare any manuscript-related conflict of interest, including but not limited to commercial, personal, political, and intellectual aspects. All editors, editorial staff and reviewers will also report potential conflicts of interest associated with the submissions for which they work.
The authors are required to acknowledge anyone who has contributed to the work submitted, but may not meet the authorship criteria. It is mandatory to state any support with third party translations or editing, such as professional commercial writing/editing services. The authors will get permission from all of those mentioned in the section on Acknowledgments.
All references should be cited within the text; otherwise, these references will be automatically removed. Authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete and accurate. The references should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text (Vancouver System). All references must be numbered consecutively and citations of references in text should be identified using numbers in square brackets (e.g., “as discussed by some authors [2]”; “as discussed elsewhere [1, 5, 12]”). Please include the DOI number.
Articles in Journals:
Standard journal article (for three authors): Ehrmann EH, Messer HH, Adams GG. The relationship of intracanal medicaments to postoperative pain in endodontics. International Endodontic Journal. 2003; 36(12):868-75.
Standard journal article (for more than six authors): List the first six contributors followed by et al.
Books and Other Monographs
- Personal author(s): Parija SC. Textbook of Medical Parasitology. 3rd ed. All India Publishers and Distributors. 2008.
- Editor(s), compiler(s) as author: Garcia LS, Filarial Nematodes In: Garcia LS (editor) Diagnostic Medical Parasitology ASM press Washington DC 2007: pp 319-356.
Electronic Sources as reference
Journal article on the Internet: Parija SC, Khairnar K. Detection of excretory Entamoeba histolytica DNA in the urine, and detection of E. histolytica DNA and lectin antigen in the liver abscess pus for the diagnosis of amoebic liver abscess .BMC Microbiology 2007,7:41.doi:10.1186/1471-2180-7-41.
Tables & Figures:
- Tables should be self-explanatory and should not duplicate textual material.
- Place the explanatory matter in footnotes, not in the heading.
- Explain in footnotes all non-standard abbreviations that are used in each table.
- Obtain permission for all fully borrowed, adapted, and modified tables and provide a credit line in the footnote.
- For footnotes, use the following symbols in this sequence: *, †, ‡, §, ||, , **, ††, ‡‡
- Labels, numbers, and symbols should be clear and of uniform size.
- When graphs, scatter-grams or histograms are submitted, the numerical data on which they are based should also be supplied.
- If photographs of people are used, either the subjects must not be identifiable or their pictures must be accompanied by written permission to use the photograph.
- If a figure has been published, acknowledge the original source and submit written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce the material. A credit line should appear in the legend for figures for such figures.
- The Journal reserves the right to crop, rotate, reduce, or enlarge the photographs to the desired size.
- Protection of Patients’ Rights to Privacy
- Identifying information should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, sonograms, CT scans, and pedigrees unless the information is essential for scientific purposes. The patient, parent, or guardian provides a written consent for the publication. After the consent has been obtained, it should be indicated in the article. A copy of the consent should be attached with the cover letter.
- Margins 2.5 cm from all four sides.
- Manuscripts should be typed on A4 size paper in clear, concise English, double-spaced.
- The size of the file must be over 300 DPI, with minimum of 1200 pixels.
Article Processing Charge:
As PUBLISHER has supported all of the publishing costs of International Journal of Progressive Business and Public Management, article processing charge and any other publication fees in the journal are free for authors.
Subscription Fee
International Journal of Progressive Business and Public Management has published as an open access electronic journal, so there is no subscription fee for audiences.
When submitting a manuscript, all authors must Complete the following forms and submit them to the journal with the original manuscript file, Otherwise the article will not be submitted to review process.
Covering Letter: Word
Copyright Transfer Form: Word
Conflict of Interest Statement Form: Word
Title Page: Word